Thursday, October 15, 2009

Follow a record

1. Enrique Fabregas was a foster father who allegedly abused his foster daughters. The journalists found the files of complaints against him and the investigations that followed, these were from non-state sources.

2.Convicts cleared to work at DSHS; 174 kept jobs despite murder, rape and more from March 15. A story about government workers getting and keeping jobs even with serious criminal histories.

3. It requires permission from the person the records are about

4. Information can be withheld or redacted because it contains information about a juvenile justice case

5-9. a) There are two copies because one has internal notes about covering this information up.
b) Father Joe's explanation was that he had ahold of the boy's hair and the boy got up out of a chair too fast, causing the hair in Father Joe's hand to separate from the boy's head.
c) hacking, slapping, pushing, hair cutting, grounding
d) The notes are written about the report to other investigators/agents. They are internal notes. They can be used if they were released as public records.
e) Drafts do not need to be released to the public. but this document was not a draft.
f) any internal communication are public record
g) mother and counselor
h) confidentiality of clients, media didn't challenge, report can be released without compromising confidentiality, redact names

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